About this Tool
Server360 TBI Calculator is a free to use online tool meant to be used by educators and their students as a quick way to solve math problems. We encourage everyone to learn at least the basics of math so they do simple calculations. We prioritize simplicity and effectiveness.
The TBI (Text-Based Input) Calculator is an open source project based on the code used by Math.js. You can get the original source code from Math,js here. The code for our Wix-only calculator can be found here. We recommend that you rebuild this code in the classic Wix Editor, before you rebuild it on an advanced editor like EditorX or Wix Studio.
TBI Calculator Quick Guide
Below is a list of available functions on the Calculator360 app. To use these functions, just copy and paste the blank formula and input the needed numbers.
Add, Multiply, Subtract, Divide
ex1a: 1+1 = 2
ex1b: add(1,1) = 2
ex2a: 1*0 = 0
ex2b: multiply(1,0) = 0
ex3a: 1-4 = -3
ex3b: subtract(1,4) = -3
ex4a: 4/2 = 2
ex4b: divide(4,2)
blank (for "b" examples: add(,) ; multiply(,) ; subtract(,) ; divide(,)
Simplify Equations
ex: simplify('3 + 2 / 4') = 7 / 2​
blank: simplify('')
Find the Derivative
ex: derivative('2x^2 + 3x + 4', 'x') = 4 * x + 3​
blank: derivative('','')
Round Numbers
ex: round(3.57989647) = 4
blank: round()​
ex: atan2(3, -3) = 2.356194490192345​
blank: atan2(,)
Using Pi
ex: pi = 3.141592653589793​
blank: pi
ex: log(10000, 10) = 4​
blank: log()
Sine, Cosine, Tangent
ex1: sin(1) = 0.8414709848078965
ex2: cos(1) = 0.5403023058681398
ex3: tan(1) = 1.5574077246549023
blank: sin(), cos(), tan()​
Square Root a Number
ex: sqrt(4) = 2
blank: sqrt()​
Using Powers
ex1: pow(6,9) = 10077696
ex2: 6^9 = 10077696​
blank: pow(), ^
Evaluate Equations (+, - , *, /)
ex: evaluate('1.2 * (2 + 4.5)') = 7.8​
blank: evaluate(' * ()')​​
Unit Conversion (only works for distances)
ex: 1000 yards to km = 0.9144 km​
template (change "{}" with numbers and units): {num} {unit1} to {unit2}
Justifying Statements​​​
ex: 10 > 5 = true​
template (change "{}" with numbers and units): {num1} (</>} {num2}