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LinkMe Open Source Code

URL Redirector Source
import wixData from 'wix-data'; import wixLocation from 'wix-location'; $w.onReady(function () { // Get the ID of the dynamic page const itemId = $w('#dynamicDataset').getCurrentItem()._id; // Query the database for the link associated with the dynamic page wixData.query('Links') .eq('_id', itemId) .find() .then(result => { // Redirect to the link const link = result.items[0].link;; }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); }); });

QR Code Generator Source
import { generateQRcode, uploadImage, getDownloadUrl } from 'backend/qrCode.jsw'; let fileUrl, downloadUrl; $w.onReady(() => { $w('#generateButton').onClick(async () => { const qrValue = $w('#qrInput').value; const qr = await generateQRcode(qrValue); //Upload QR to Media Manager const upload = await uploadImage(qr, qrValue); fileUrl = upload.fileUrl; //Show QR Code on Client Side $w('#qrVector').src = qr; //Adds Download Link to Button downloadUrl = await getDownloadUrl(fileUrl); $w('#downloadQR').link = downloadUrl; }); });

import QRCode from 'qrcode'; export function generateQRcode(toEncode) { let opts = { errorCorrectionLevel: 'H', type: 'svg', rendererOpts: { quality: 0.3 } }; return QRCode.toString(toEncode, opts, (err, string) => { if (err) throw err; return string; }) } import { mediaManager } from 'wix-media-backend'; export async function getDownloadUrl(fileUrl) { const getDownloadUrl = await mediaManager.getDownloadUrl(fileUrl); return getDownloadUrl; } export function uploadImage(buffer,fileName) { //Ensures proper filename is established (no invalid characters) fileName = fileName.replace(/[/\\?%*:|."<>]/g, '-'); return mediaManager.upload( "/QR", buffer, `${fileName}`, { "mediaOptions": { "mimeType": "image/svg+xml", "mediaType": "vector" }, "metadataOptions": { "isPrivate": false, "isVisitorUpload": true } } ); }

URL Parameter Source
import wixLocation from 'wix-location'; $w.onReady(function () { $w("#addButton").onClick((event) => { const key = $w('#addKey').value; const value = $w('#addValue').value; if (key && value) { const toAdd = { [key]: value }; wixLocation.queryParams.add(toAdd); $w('#addKey').value = undefined; $w('#addValue').value = undefined; } }); $w("#removeButton").onClick((event) => { const paramToRemove = [$w('#removeKey').value]; wixLocation.queryParams.remove(paramToRemove); $w('#removeKey').value = undefined; }); $w("#getButton").onClick((event) => { const query = wixLocation.query; if (query) { $w('#getText').value = JSON.stringify(query, null, 2); } }); });

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